10 Movie Outtakes That Should Have Stayed In

2. Thor Fumbles Mjolnir - The Avengers

The Avengers Thor Captain America
Marvel Studios

Joss Whedon's The Avengers effectively set the style and tone for all future MCU epics, with its expert balance of quips, drama and action, but Whedon could've earned himself another easy laugh if he opted to include this awesome outtake.

While shooting the memorable slow-motion shot where Thor (Chris Hemsworth) summons his trusty hammer Mjolnir while Captain America (Chris Evans) is busy battling the Chitauri, Hemsworth repeatedly fumbled the hammer in one brilliant slapstick-infused goof, eventually letting the hammer fall to the floor while an oblivious Evans continues to act out the scene.

Though some might argue this would've undermined the character of Thor a little too much, remember just how much of an idiot the Asgardian was back in this movie. Also, including the gag would've further underlined just how aloof Steve Rogers can be.

That Thor couldn't even get his iconic summon right surely would've resulted in an unforgettable moment of all-timer MCU silliness.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.