10 Movie Outtakes That Should Have Stayed In

9. Jameson Drops An F-Bomb - Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3 J, Jonah Jameson J.K. Simmons
Sony Pictures Releasing

It sure is great to see J.K. Simmons back in the role of J. Jonah Jameson in the MCU, because he was one of the easy highlights of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movies - yes, even in the wonky Spider-Man 3.

This is evidenced not only by the Jameson material that made it into the movie itself, but the bloopers, too. In particular, there's one brief-but-brilliant gag where Daily Bugle employee Ted Hoffman (Ted Raimi) incurs Jameson's famously fiery wrath.

Hoffman explains to his boss that he ran a campaign against his employer's wishes, and just as Jameson angrily confronts him, Hoffman grabs Jameson's apparently precious wind chimes, which he calls The Chimes of Serenity, and holds them nervously between himself and Jameson.

After a beat, Hoffman realises he's broken the chimes, to which an angry Jameson shouts, "He broke my f***ing chimes!".

While you can argue that profanity doesn't really fit in with the heightened, goofy tone of the Raimi Spider-Man movies, Jameson probably earned himself a single F-bomb by the third movie, no?

In a film that's intensely silly even for Raimi standards, a little profanity might've balanced the tone a little better. Plus, Jameson's delivery is so perfect it would've resulted in one of the movie's most brilliant and memorable moments.

Check out the blooper for yourself at 2:45 in the reel below:


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.