10 Movie Outtakes That Should Have Stayed In

4. Philip Seymour Hoffman's Mattress Man Commercial - Punch-Drunk Love

Punch Drunk Love Philip Seymour Hoffman
Sony Pictures Releasing

Paul Thomas Anderson's brilliant black comedy boasts one of the late Philip Seymour Hoffman's most distinctive and memorable performances, playing hot-tempered mattress store owner Dean Trumbell aka Mattress Man.

And for nothing more than a laugh, Anderson and Hoffman decided to shoot a fake commercial for Trumbell's store that was never intended to be included as part of the movie, though mercifully made it onto the home video release.

The outrageously low-budget commercial sees Trumbell playing the guitar while promoting his store, before leaping onto a stack of mattresses which then catapult him onto the concrete floor below with a brutal thud.

Cue 30 awkward seconds of Trumbell's employees rushing over to check on him, and him shuffling away with his pride severely dented.

The whole sequence is in fact a parody of the infamous Furniture Guy commercial, and hysterical enough that it clearly warranted inclusion in the movie proper.

Considering that Hoffman did the stunt himself at considerable risk, it would've been worth stopping the movie in its tracks for a whole minute just to let the commercial play out.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.