10 Movie Pairs You Definitely Don't Want To Mix Up

2. Up!

Up Movie Disney might have something of a reputation for hiding sexy secrets and Easter Eggs in their movies, but they've never openly channelled the same sort of spirit as Russ Meyer, especially in terms of Nazi softcore sex comedy Up! Meyer's tale of Adolf Schwartz, a thinly veiled caricature of Adolf Hitler, which was written by Roger Ebert, is needlessly raunchy, which is perhaps to be expected of the director, and should never be confused for Pixar's heart-felt tale of love and loss. Doing so would swap Pixar's measured emotions and wonderfully drawn characters with a ludicrous plot and a zany band of caricatures, as well as a considerably bigger bare breast count. Handy Watching Tip If people are taking their clothes off, and noone is being forced to deal with grand concepts of mortality, human nature and the sacred formula for perfect familial relationships despite their obvious young age, you're probably not watching Pixar.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.