10 Movie Pairs You Definitely Don't Want To Mix Up

7. Nine/9

9 Movie In an uncharacteristic break between picking up Oscar nominations for power house characters, in 2009 Daniel Day Lewis decided to give his almost-annual awards contenders some hope that he wasn't utterly infallible by starring in Rob Marshall's disastrous, but wonderfully cast musical Nine. The film was an almighty turkey, taking a quarter of its vast budget, despite its lofty aspirations to explore important issues, and Marshall ironically failed miserably to balance the requirements of the film. The same year, Shane Acker released the rather unfairly underrated 9, a charming post-apocalyptic animation making heroes of a group of rag dolls on a mission to save mankind. It is incredibly designed and executed, and though the voice work, featuring the likes of Elijah Wood, isn't as good as it could have been, the film remains eminently enjoyable. Just don't confuse it with the bafflingly po-faced musical. Handy Watching Tip If Daniel Day Lewis isn't stomping around earning Oscar accolades with every placed foot and spewed line of dialogue, and it's all captured in horribly unforgiving live action, you're watching the bloated, badly-conceived musical.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.