10 Movie Performances Even MORE Impressive When You Know The Truth

6. Michael J. Fox Juggles Two Projects At Once - Back To The Future

Ed Harris The Truman Show

He may be synonymous with the role of Marty McFly today, but many moons ago Michael J. Fox was forced to pass up on the leading role in Back to the Future due to scheduling conflicts with the sitcom Family Ties he was already starring in.

So, Eric Stoltz was brought in instead. However, director Robert Zemeckis and executive producer Steven Spielberg both soon sensed that Stoltz' intense approach to the character just wasn't working out. So, a couple of months into shooting, Fox was switched into the lead role instead. Yet, the actor would have to continue working on Family Ties whilst filming Back to the Future.

This resulted in a schedule which would regularly see Fox working from 10:00am to 6:00pm on the sitcom before travelling to the movie's shooting location to continue filming there. In fact, there were some nights when the young star would only finish up at 2:30 am. Weekends were even more gruelling as Family Ties aired in front of a live studio audience, pushing Back to the Future's schedule back, meaning Fox would only finish up at around 7:00am!

Despite classing the routine as "exhausting", the actor still classes the tiring workload as "worth it", with those who still adore his turn in the classic today likely agreeing with him.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...