10 Movie Performances Even MORE Impressive When You Know The Truth

5. Naomie Harris Films Her Entire Role In Three Days Due To Visa Issues - Moonlight

Ed Harris The Truman Show

As we noted in a previous entry, sometime actors aren't given very much time at all to immerse themselves in a character's world before bringing their work onto a set to shoot.

However, Naomie Harris took this rushed approach to a whole new level during the making of Barry Jenkins' Moonlight. The star was having some VISA issues at the time which meant that the only way she'd be able to appear in the movie was if she dropped her promotional responsibilities for the latest James Bond Movie, Spectre, and completed her work on the project within three days. No pressure, then.

On top of knowing she had to hit the ground running with the role of Paula, Harris' job was made that much harder by the fact that the crew had to shoot her scenes out of sequence. This meant she was forced to sporadically jump between different ages, and the difficult stages in her character's life such as being deep into her crack addiction in one moment and experiencing rehab the next.

Needless to say, Harris absolutely knocked it out of the park in such a ridiculously short space of time, earning herself an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...