10 Movie Performances Even MORE Impressive When You Know The Truth

3. Jim Carrey Underwent CIA Torture Training - The Grinch

Ed Harris The Truman Show
Universal Pictures

Just because you agreed to appear in a family friendly feature film doesn't mean the experience itself is going to be a joyous occasion. This is something comedy legend Jim Carrey got to grips with himself when tasked with bringing Dr. Seuss' world famous green creation The Grinch into live action existence back in 2000.

After being "buried alive" in make-up for eight-and-a-half hours on his first day, Carrey knew he was in for a rough old ride from then on out. In fact, the costume was so claustrophobic for the star that he outright told director Ron Howard that he would have to exit the project once that initial day of filming had concluded.

So, knowing that they had to retain their superstar's services at all costs, the producers brought in someone from the CIA who excelled in training agents how to withstand excruciating torture. Despite the actor himself branding the training as being "quite hilarious", it undoubtedly gave him the tools he needed to power through the shoot and produce a performance that is still cherished by fans two decades later.

But, let the record show, it's not that easy being green...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...