10 Movie Performances Even MORE Impressive When You Know The Truth

2. Laurence Olivier Played Dr. Szell Whilst Receiving Heavy Treatment For Cancer - Marathon Man

Ed Harris The Truman Show
Paramount Pictures

Coming into the making of 1976's Marathon Man, legendary thespian Sir Laurence Olivier was convinced that he didn't have much time left due to the cancer he was fighting against at the time. That was his major reason behind taking the role of Nazi war criminal Dr. Christian Szell in the first place as the star wanted to leave behind the money made on this job to his family.

His illness made working on the film an understandably difficult task, with the star undergoing treatment and taking a heavy dose of painkillers in order to get him through the working day. On top of this, the pain medication was said to have affected his ability to remember things, making absorbing lines and performing at his usual standard a daily struggle.

However, in the end he was able to overcome these monumental obstacles to deliver a turn which garnered much critical acclaim, and even earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor. Most remarkable of all, the actor was then able to kick his cancer into remission and continued to work in the industry for the next 13 years.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...