10 Movie Performances That Proved People Wrong

8. Al Pacino - The Godfather

Tom Cruise Interview with the vampire

It's one thing to be rejected by those paying their hard-earned cash to watch a character they hold dear appear in a cinematic adaptation, it's another entirely to be in the bad books of the people trying to get the actual project made.

But that's exactly where Al Pacino found himself when Francis Ford Coppola insisted on bringing the actor in to play Michael Corleone in The Godfather. As the actor revealed himself in later years, studio executives were less than impressed by his work early on, with the higher-ups even going as far as to label his performance as "anemic". This also likely wasn't helped by the fact that they wanted a more well-known star like Robert Redford in the role.

Yet, despite almost getting sacked on three separate occasions, his subdued and quietly unnerving performance ultimately went down an absolute treat with fans and critics all over the globe. And if you're wondering what convinced those unsure folks at the top to keep him signed to the project, one glimpse at his undeniable presence during the iconic restaurant-shooting scene was enough to prove he was the man for the job.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...