10 Movie Plot Holes That Will Destroy Your Childhood

9. The Iron Giant - An Inappropriate Gift

Warner Bros.

In The Iron Giant, a lonely and very nerdy kid named Hogarth finds the greatest best friend ever in the form of a giant robot from outer space, which hits its head upon crash landing on our planet and gains the personality of, like, a big metal puppy. It's fun.

Anyway, at the end of the movie, the military get all up in Hogarth and the Giant's faces, and this error of judgment culminates with the Giant sacrificing himself by stopping a nuclear missile from annihilating an entire town. The humans gain a new-found respect for alien monsters as a result.

Later, a U.S. Army General comes to Hogarth's house and gives him the only bit of the Iron Giant that they recovered from the resulting explosion, him having been blown apart by the missile as he stopped it. It's a bolt, by the way. But it's not over, because - as we learned from earlier in the movie - the Giant can reassemble himself, which is how the movie ends, with all the bits and pieces coming together as he restores to form. Aw.

A shame, then, that Hogarth will probably contract cancer or something from that bolt, which is coated in tons of radiation from the huge blast we saw earlier. Nice one, General Doofus. Real smart.


All-round pop culture obsessive.