10 Movie Plot Twist Clues We All Ignored

8. Marcee Doesn't Disturb The Pigeons - A Beautiful Mind

Star Wars The Last Jedi Luke

In Ron Howard's Oscar-winning biopic A Beautiful Mind, John Nash (Russell Crowe) takes a trip to Princeton University and meets up with his old friend Charles (Paul Bettany), and also Charles' niece Marcee (Vivien Cardone).

Charles tells Marcee not to run too far, at which point we see her running across a field filled with pigeons. Despite her fast, frantic movements, though, the pigeons strangely don't move an inch.

You might assume that this was simply a case of the pigeons being added to the scene for ambiance in post-production, and a VFX artist getting sloppy by not having them fly away when Marcee approaches them.

But in fact, it's actually slyly foreshadowing the big twist, that Nash is suffering from schizophrenia and as a result both Charles and Marcee only exist in his imagination. The pigeons don't move because, of course, there's nobody actually running up to them.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.