10 Movie Post-Credit Scenes That Went Absolutely Nowhere

6. More Aliens - Battleship

Battleship Post Credits
Universal Pictures

The Scene

After it's ridiculous but surprisingly rousing ending, Battleship had the audacity to sneak in a post-credits stinger, set in the Scottish highlands, which saw three schoolboys and a bearded man discovering a giant rock in a crater in a farmer's field.

The man opens the rock to discover a four-fingered alien hand reaching out and all the humans run off like big cowards...

What It Teased

The most over-confident sequel of all time. This was confirmation that the alien threat hasn't quite been as eliminated as it initially seemed and there was a distinct chance that they'd come back for another sequel starring Rihanna despite her lacking any sort of obvious acting skill.


Battleship may have made $300m, but it cost at least $220m to make, without the marketing considerations, so it simply was not profitable enough to warrant the sequel it so confidently teased. Thankfully.


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