10 Movie Posters That Led To Massive Lawsuits

4. Dexter - "Disturbing" Poster Blamed For Fall

Couples Retreat

Now, of course, Dexter is a TV series rather than a movie, but the lawsuit attached to this poster is far too good to not mention on this list.

We've all been there, walking up a set of subway steps, only to notice a fictional serial killer's steely gaze and soon find ourselves shocked into a painfully embarrassing stumble. If I had a nickel, eh?

Well, a New York judge clearly hadn't experienced this unfortunate turn of events, and had little sympathy for the lady who was so terrified at the sight of Michael C. Hall's iconic shrinkwrapped Dexter mug in Grand Central subway station that she suffered a debilitating ankle injury after tripping in a panicked state.

Her lawsuit filed against Showtime in February 2015 explained that she felt the network were creating a public hazard by promoting a "disturbing, provocative, shocking and fear inducing" image of Dexter on said stairs.

Unfortunately for the pedestrian, she also had to suffer the pain of defeat in the courthouse too, with the judge ruling in favour of Showtime. But her compelling story will act as a warning for her fellow civilians for years to come; Watch where you're going, for crying out loud.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...