10 Movie Posters That Led To Massive Lawsuits

3. Oldboy - Spike Lee Sued For Copyright Infringement

Couples Retreat

It's only natural for an artist behind the artwork used for a movie poster to be somewhat protective over their creation. After all, they are the ones who put in the time and effort into bringing the promotional visual to life. So, if a studio decides against compensating the person behind the poster eventually used to market their feature, they have every right to be a little p*ssed off.

Juan Luis Garcia found himself in this frustrating position in the wake of designing the poster for Spike Lee's Oldboy remake, with the feature's advertising agency still using the designs despite Garcia declining the company's low initial offer to use the work.

Lee would respond to Garcia's open letter appealing to the director for his assistance by tweeting, "I Never Heard Of This Guy Juan Luis Garcia,If He Has A Beef It's Not With Me.I Did Not Hire Him,Do Not Know Him.Cheap Trick Writing To Me.YO."

In the end, though, Garcia's lawsuit against Lee's production company Forty Acres and a Mule Filmworks was settled, with Garcia later replacing his earlier open letter with a statement saying himself and Lee had put it all behind them.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...