10 Movie Posters That Led To Massive Lawsuits

2. Iron Man 3 - Copying The Poster Design From Another Comic

Couples Retreat
Lai Brothers, Marvel

Though Marvel was (and still is) enjoying a glorious time at the box office around the time Iron Man 3 soared into cinemas in 2013, a lot of the sparkle was taken off Shane Black's under-appreciated Tony Stark trilogy-ender when things took a legal turn upon its release.

Claiming that Marvel had copied their work in creating the poster for the MCU mega-hit, Ben and Ray Lai filed a lawsuit against the titan, citing copyright infringement and unfair business practices. The Lai brothers claimed they had been hired by Marvel as comic book artists in 2002 on the back of their work on the Radix series in 2001, a group of comics centred around characters with mechanised armour.

One look at the Iron Man 3 poster side-by-side with the character of Caliban from the Radix comics seemed to suggest they could have a point. Yet, Marvel Entertainment would eventually provide enough evidence to a New York federal judge to prove that the Iron Man 3 poster was in fact an independent creation, meaning the comic book giants had won this particular legal war.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...