10 Movie Posters That Lied To Your Face

7. Reign Of Fire

X Men The Last Stand
Touchstone Pictures

2002’s sci-fi fantasy flick Reign of Fire should’ve been a slam dunk. The concept of a world under siege from once-hibernating dragons was exciting and a fresh evolution of the dinosaur-mania that had gripped the world following Jurassic Park. Its star-studded cast includes Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey and Gerard Butler just to name a few and you could sell the picture today on that alone.

Still, it never quite succeeded in the way that it should've and some didn’t enjoy the film’s grey and grim Mad Max style post-apocalypse wasteland. It probably didn’t help that the marketing for the film was a lot brighter and had some frankly fantastic visuals that don’t show up in the movie.

What makes this poster worse than being a lie is that it looks, quite intentionally of course, way more awesome than the actual movie is. With dragons flying over a burning modern day London, it seems to imply that the setting of the picture is during the war between humanity and the giant lizards rather than, in truth, set decades after the fact.

Of course such a thing would’ve been a budgetary nightmare, but marketing your movie like it’s the next big CGI blockbuster when it doesn’t have the chops to back it up makes this a pretty big misdirect.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.