10 Movie Posters That Subtly Lied To You

6. Everybody's A Clerk - Clerks

Clerks Poster

The main poster for Kevin Smith's incredible indie comedy Clerks depicted five of the movie's main characters, with the very clear implication being that all five of them work as clerks.

But in actual fact, only Dante (Brian O'Halloran) and Randall (Jeff Anderson), on the left and right edges of the group respectively, are clerks.

As for the other three? The left-most woman is Marilyn Ghigliotti, who plays Dante's girlfriend Veronica, and on the right we have the late Lisa Spoonauer, who plays Dante's ex Caitlin.

And of course, way in the back we have Smith himself as skeevy stoner Silent Bob, who couldn't be much further from a clerk - he deals drugs outside Dante and Randall's place of employment and frequently serves as their foil throughout Smith's Askewniverse.

But from this poster, you'd assume they all worked together as clerks - the tagline referring to the five collectively as "they" - when in actuality the other characters simply pay Dante and Randall various visits throughout the film.

Granted, the poster at least sells the tone of the movie accurately enough, even if three of the five characters on the poster have much smaller roles than you'd probably expect.

Also, where the hell is Jay (Jason Mewes)?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.