10 Movie Priests Who Totally Kicked Ass

3. Reverend Philip Shooter - Hot Fuzz (2007)

Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg), is an extremely dedicated and focused police officer who is basically making all his colleagues look really bad. Subsequently he gets transferred to the middle of nowhere and is given a clumsy, knucklehead partner named Danny Butterman (Nick Frost), who is only on the force because his daddy runs things and pulled strings. At first they really don€™t get along but ultimately they team up and take on a quiet town that has seemingly gone crazy and blood thirsty. The townspeople attack the two police officers mercilessly. Senior citizens and even Santa Claus (via a brief Peter Jackson cameo) join in. The most memorable moment comes when Reverend Philip Shooter (yes, Shooter is his last name) played by Paul Freeman, attempts to stop all the €œmindless violence.€ He does a complete 180% and two handguns spring into his hands Taxi Driver/El Mariachi style and blasts Simon Pegg in the chest. Mindless violence is awesome! The "Oh.. f*** off grasshopper" line will get you every time. Too bad he's taken out almost immediately afterwards, but not before he can get in some compulsory blasphemy on his way down. Jesus Christ, indeed.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com