10 Movie References You Didn't Get As A Kid (But Do As An Adult)

1. Shaggy's Favourite Name - Scooby Doo

Ratatouille Tiny Little
Warner Bros.

One of the most iconic children's cartoons of all time is without question Scooby Doo. The mystery-solving talking dog has been a relevant part of pop culture ever since 1969, and no matter what, right next to him at every turn is his best pal in the world.

Shaggy is a unique character in the world of kids' animation, as it's incredibly rare to see someone so clearly portrayed as a stoner in these circles. The look, the munchies, and his overall demeanor make it more than obvious to any adults watching at least, what this guy gets up to in his spare time.

Of course, there aren't any direct references to this in the cartoons outside of his general personality traits, but when the gang were brought to live action in 2002, there was a brilliant nod to it. There's no denying that Matthew Lillard was the true embodiment of Shaggy, and he helped to make such a fantastic scene.

When on a plane, the stoner in question got chatting to a woman, played by Isla Fisher, who told him that her name was Mary-Jane. Like, that is his favourite name! The subtle nod to Shaggy's obvious love of marijuana is genuinely one of the funniest gags in the entire film, and was aimed over the heads of its entire target audience.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.