10 Movie Reveals So Bad You Almost Walked Out

8. The Scorpion King - The Mummy Returns

Now You See Me
Universal Pictures

While it's only natural for decades-old VFX to look a little rough to modern eyes, in the case of The Mummy Returns, one effects-based element was an utter eyesore even at the time of its original release.

We're talking of course about the movie's supporting antagonist, the Scorpion King (Dwayne Johnson), who appears in his final form as a horrifying hybrid of human and scorpion.

Yet the fear stems less from the innate body horror than it does the fact that the character tumbles directly into the uncanny valley per the embarrassingly low-rent VFX work.

Given that Dwayne Johnson's role as the villain was heavily hyped-up pre-release, especially as a prequel starring the character had already been filmed for release the next year, Mummy fans were understandably expecting his reveal to be pretty damn special.

Instead, the Scorpion King's final form was a distractingly awful low-fi render with Johnson's face awkwardly slapped over the top, and even for the standards of digital recreations of human beings in 2001, it looked horrid.

If not for the fact the movie was almost over, this would've surely triggered some fast walkouts.

In a recent episode of Corridor Crew's VFX Artists react, however, VFX supervisor John Berton Jr. revealed that the sequence was effectively ruined by Johnson's busy WWE schedule, which prevented him from being photo-scanned for the scene, as is standard for complex scenes such as this.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.