10 Movie Reveals That STOPPED You From Walking Out

9. Jamie Stabs Darlene - Halloween 4: The Return Of Michael Myers

Malignant Annabelle
Galaxy Releasing

Halloween 4 is far from the worst entry into the series and has enjoyed greater cult appreciation in recent years, but it's nevertheless pretty lackluster compared to the first two Halloween movies.

With all the hype about Michael Myers' return to the screen after sitting out anthology sequel Halloween III: Season of the Witch, Halloween 4 suffered immensely from a script which was slung together in just 11 days.

Perhaps most criminally, it killed Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) off-screen and replaced her with her daughter, Jamie Lloyd (Danielle Harris).

Though Danielle Harris gives a solid performance as Jamie, it's a slog at even just 88 minutes, with Michael taking far too long to do anything and the story getting excessively bogged down in dull melodramatic subplots - namely a love triangle involving Jamie's foster sister Rachel (Ellie Cornell).

Michael is seemingly killed by a lynch mob at film's end, and just as you probably feel like you've had enough of the movie, it drops one hell of a last-minute twist in your lap.

Jamie is taken back home and attacks her foster mother, Darlene (Karen Alston), with a pair of scissors, while wearing a clown costume and mask in a manner immediately reminiscent of her young uncle in the original Halloween.

It's a brilliant and wildly unexpected twist which touted a provocative new direction for the series - albeit one which the next film soundly disregarded.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.