10 Movie Ripoffs Better Than The Original

9. Madagascar Is Better Than The Wild

Raiders of the Lost Ark Secret of the Incas
DreamWorks Pictures

It's a tad unfortunate that 2006's animated film The Wild has long been deemed a rip-off of Madagascar released the previous year - what with both plots revolving around a group of animals from Central Park Zoo getting shipped off to an exotic locale - but in actual fact, The Wild was in development long before Madagascar, with production stalling long enough that DreamWorks could develop their own competing project and beat them to the cinema.

Yet even accepting that DreamWorks effectively ripped Madagascar's concept off from Disney, it's tough to deny that Madagascar is the better - and by far the most successful - of the two movies.

Basically everything, from the animation to the cast, humour, and songs is just effortlessly superior in Madagascar, enough that it wasn't surprising to see so many dismiss The Wild as a feckless knock-off, even though it actually wasn't. It just wasn't a very good movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.