10 Movie Roles Harrison Ford Turned Down

10. Captain Billy Tyne (The Perfect Storm)

Not content with being in control of the Millennium Falcon, Harrison Ford very nearly ended up captaining the Andrea Gale in Wolfgang Petersen's The Perfect Storm. Well that was the director's plan, at least. The role of Captain Billy Tyne eventually went to George Clooney, but Ford was initially the man wanted to helm the ultimately doomed vessel. With the character's designer stubble, everyman leadership skills and a dedication to the job at hand, Captain Tyne seemed like a role that would've been perfect for the man behind Han Solo and Indiana Jones. Ford's trademark charm and iron will could've added plenty to the gig. Deciding to avoid the intense shoot, Ford turned down the film and instead spent his time focussing on What Lies Beneath, itself a movie that featured a key plot point that centred on water but was nowhere near as sopping a shoot as The Perfect Storm.
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Senior Writer

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