10 Movie Scenes DELETED Because They Were Too Good

1. The Blood Orgy - Event Horizon

Deadpool Ryan Reynolds
Paramount Pictures

Paul W.S. Anderson's sci-fi horror Event Horizon memorably features a scene where the astronauts exploring the titular abandoned spaceship find a video log that briefly shows the original crew taking part in a sexually violent "blood orgy," after a portal to Hell was opened and drove them insane.

In the final film we see only fleeting glimpses of what went down, but Anderson has spoken many times about how this scene was massively trimmed down during editing, as both the studio and test audiences were basically left nauseated by the original, extended version of the aforementioned orgy.

The filmmakers reportedly hired amputees and porn actors to shoot the transgressive footage, which according to special effects supervisor Dave Bonneywell, showed the crew graphically dismembering and abusing one another in intricate, prolonged detail.

Anderson was made to remove most of it, though, the sequence evidently proving revolting enough that Paramount, perhaps understandably, thought it might be too far for general audiences.

Sadly for the sicko fans out there, though, it's never materialised in any capacity on home video, and the condition of the only remaining footage is considered too poor for public release. Boo.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.