10 Movie Scenes DELETED Because They Were Too Good

2. The Cancer World Tour - Deadpool

Deadpool Ryan Reynolds

Deadpool movies need to pull off a tricky, delicate balance of outrageous, R-rated thrills with splashes of earnest, heartfelt character development, but one terrifically acted scene by Ryan Reynolds ultimately ended up tipping the first movie over the edge.

A fantastic deleted scene called "The Cancer World Tour" sees a terminally ill Wade (Reynolds) and his partner Vanessa (Morena Baccarin) travelling around the world in search of a last-ditch cure.

They finally end up in Mexico, only to discover that the cancer clinic is actually ripping patients off, culminating in a fight where an enraged Wade kills the charlatan doctor and flees the scene, leaving Vanessa to track him down.

Director Tim Miller called it a "really great scene," yet despite feeling that Reynolds "f**king crushed it," he ultimately decided that it "just didn’t work with the pacing of the movie."

Thankfully the scene was released on home video for all to see, and indeed, it's probably the strongest dramatic showcase for Reynolds in either Deadpool movie to date, but it's also an epic, almost five-minute bummer that grinds the film to a lurching halt. 

Simply, it's a fantastic scene, but not really for a Deadpool movie. Reynolds over-delivered on the dramatic stakes, but it was too much for the movie to withstand.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.