10 Movie Scenes DELETED Because They Were Too Good

7. Non Kills A Kid - Superman II

Deadpool Ryan Reynolds
Warner Bros.

The contentious production of Superman II is well noted, with original director Richard Donner being fired after 75% of the movie had been filmed, at which point his replacement Richard Lester reshot almost the entire film.

The superior Richard Donner Cut of Superman II was eventually released on home video in 2006, but the Lester and Donner cuts aren't the only two versions of the superhero sequel in circulation.

There's also a TV cut of the movie which includes numerous deleted scenes, among them an infamous sequence in which a boy flees from General Zod (Terence Stamp) on horseback, only for fellow Kryptonian villain Non (Jack O'Halloran) to throw a police siren into the air, which lands in the distance and seemingly kills the kid.

When a bystander tells the Kryptonians that the victim was only a boy, Ursa (Sarah Douglas) almost giddily replies, "And he will never become a man."

It's absolutely savage, and only makes the audience loathe Zod and his comrades that much more, yet it's perhaps also too grim and depressing for what's fundamentally a family-friendly superhero movie, so it's easy to appreciate why it was cut from the theatrical release.

This might've been better-suited to a Zack Snyder Superman movie, honestly.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.