10 Movie Scenes DELETED Because They Were Too Good

4. Seth Kills The Monkey-Cat - The Fly

Deadpool Ryan Reynolds

The final released version of David Cronenberg's The Fly is an unabashedly gross - if unexpectedly affecting - slice of body horror, so the fact that one scene was cut for being too damn disgusting is tough to reconcile.

But according to producer Stuart Cornfeld, test audiences were straight-up left vomiting at a sequence where protagonist Seth Brundle (Jeff Goldblum) tries to figure out a way to undo his impending transformation into a human-fly monster by fusing a baboon with a cat.

What unsurprisingly emerges is a horrific hybrid of the two animals, which attacks Seth, forcing him to beat it to death with a pipe. 

Beyond the aforementioned vomit, Cronenberg himself claimed that test audiences responded negatively to Seth killing the animal abomination, causing their sympathy for his plight to dwindle, especially after he already killed another baboon earlier during an experiment.

Even Cronenberg has a line, and while the scene is worth watching for Goldbum's brilliantly animalistic performance and the sheer can't-look-away grotesquery of it, it's too cruel even for a movie this unapologetically tragic.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.