10 Movie Scenes Everyone Gets Wrong

1. Batman Injects Himself With Adrenaline (Not Venom) - The Batman

Ghostbusters Ray
Warner Bros.

If you ask most people what Batman (Robert Pattinson) injects himself with at the end of The Batman after being critically injured by one of The Riddler's (Paul Dano) goons, they'll probably say Venom.

As in, the bright green steroid-like substance which has been used to give Bane his enhanced strength and size in the Batman comic books.

During The Batman's release weekend, fans couldn't be dissuaded otherwise, yet when the film hit home video, pausing the scene in question confirmed beyond any doubt that the vial had "adrenaline" written on the side.

Even so, many fans remain in denial about it to this very day, insisting that director Matt Reeves intentionally coloured the vial green to at least hint at Venom existing in this universe, and perhaps even Bane being a major fixture in the impending sequel.

Bane may or may not appear in The Batman 2, but seriously, everything you need to know about this scene is in the scene itself, as long as you actually accept what it's showing you.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.