10 Movie Scenes Everyone Gets Wrong

5. "Billy Enforcie" Is Actually "Billy In 4C" - Dumb & Dumber

Ghostbusters Ray
New Line Cinema

A minor but extremely memorable character in Dumb and Dumber is "Billy Enforcie" (Brady Bluhm) - a blind boy who Lloyd (Jim Carrey) sells Harry's (Jeff Daniels) dead parakeet to.

Despite Billy having maybe a minute of screen time in the movie, the whole gag is so hilarious(ly cruel) that his name certainly sticks in the mind.

Except, he's not called Billy Enforcie.

You can blame Dumb and Dumber being released before audiences en masse watched movies at home with subtitles on, because anyone who does turn the subs on today will come to learn that the boy is actually called "Billy in 4C." As in, apartment 4C.

It's an easy mistake to make considering how quickly Lloyd and Harry race through the words "in 4C" and how relatively uncommon it is to refer to someone by their apartment number.

Typing "Billy Enforcie" into Google or Twitter (sorry, X) brings up a large number of like-minded folk who got the kid's surname totally wrong, but again, you can't blame them at all.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.