10 Movie Scenes Everyone Skips

8. The Curb Stomp - American History X

Star Wars Episode 2 Attack Of The Clones Anakin Padme
New Line Cinema

Some movies are so harrowing you only ever want to watch them once, but American History X is such a finely-crafted drama with such a terrific, Oscar-nominated performance from Edward Norton that you may well want to revisit it again.

Except for that soul-shaking curb stomp scene, that is.

Early in the film, we're shown the act that sent neo-Nazi Derek Vinyard (Norton) to prison, when he interrupts several Black men attempting to steal his prized truck.

Derek shoots one of the thieves dead on the spot, and then forces another to bite down on the curb before stomping his head downwards, killing him instantly.

It's completely nauseating, obviously, made all the worse by the frankly masterful sound design - the scraping sound of the poor man's teeth against the curb, and the dull thud when Derek's boot makes contact with his head.

We all have the scene seared into our traumatised brains already, so it's totally acceptable to skip it on repeat viewings.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.