10 Movie Scenes More Real Than You Think

2. Laser Torture - Goldfinger

Fast Times At Ridgemont High Judge Reinhold Phoebe Cates
MGM & United Artists

Without question one of the most unforgettable scenes in the entire James Bond canon is the famous torture sequence from Goldfinger, where Gert Frobe's titular villain straps 007 (Sean Connery) to a metal table and threatens to slice through him, crotch-first no less, with an red-hot industrial laser.

As much as you might assume that Connery was never in any real danger and the scene was achieved by an extremely controlled fire using special material, it was actually much more DIY than that.

In reality, director Guy Hamilton simply had a technician, Bert Luxford, sit underneath the table with an oxyacetylene blowtorch, which he fired along a designated line.

Luxford said of shooting the scene:

"I was about three inches from [Connery's] crotch when I stopped...Sean was absolutely terrified."

Still, it's preferable to Hamilton's original plan, to bring an actual laser to set, which was ultimately deemed too dangerous.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.