10 Movie Scenes That Affected Actors In Profound Ways

1. Rick Dalton Forgetting His Lines Led To Michael J. Fox's Retirement - Once Upon A Time...

Tom Cruise Magnolia
Sony Pictures

Fresh off of frustratingly not being able to remember his lines whilst on the set of "Lancer", Leonardo DiCaprio's Rick Dalton well and truly freaks out inside of his trailer during Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

And it was this particularly explosive display of exasperation and disappointment that ultimately resonated with none other than Michael J. Fox a few years ago.

As the Back to the Future star, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, would eventually reveal to Empire Magazine (via Deadline), DiCaprio's Dalton screaming at himself for not being able to remember his words felt similar to a moment he'd had in real-life when he found himself looking in the mirror and thinking, "I cannot remember it anymore.”

But instead of going on the warpath like Dalton, though, Fox found peace in that particular realisation, telling himself "well, let's move on," when he began struggling to remember his lines on the set of The Good Fight.

Said meltdown, one that was improvised by DiCaprio (via IndieWire), will forever go down as one of the most iconic freak-outs in movie history. However, it also helped inadvertently influence a "peaceful" end to the career of one of the most beloved figures in Hollywood history.

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