10 Movie Scenes That Fans Tried To "Fix"

3. The Corny Cop Dialogue Is Cut From The Tumbler Chase - Batman Begins

Batman Begins Tumbler
Warner Bros.

The Edit

Batman Begins is a fantastic movie with a few rough-around-the-edges moments.

The brilliant Tumbler chase, for example, is marred by the needless inclusion of cornball dialogue from the Gotham PD police officers, something which Christopher Nolan seems weirdly obsessed with across the Dark Knight trilogy.

But it's never more present or more irritating than in this chase, where the cops are constantly undercutting the tension of the scene with their lame wise-cracking.

Thankfully this fan edit removes all of the silly cop banter, while also making the more questionable decision to trim the chase down from five minutes to just one-and-a-half.

Did It Work?

Yes and no. The dialogue removal is pretty much perfect while keeping the spine of the scene in tact, but so many great action beats have needlessly received the chop.

This results in a scene that feels a little too busy for its own good, while lacking the same urgency of Batman's (Christian Bale) race to save Rachel (Katie Holmes) as is present in the final cut.

Also, the replacement musical score doesn't fit nearly as well.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.