10 Movie Scenes That Took The Most Amount Of Takes Ever

2. Jackie Chan Fights With A Fan...329 Times - The Young Master

Young Master Jackie Chan
Golden Harvest

Though legend dictates that Jackie Chan took 2,900 takes to perform the iconic hacky sack kick from his 1982 film Dragon Lord, it's a dubious enough claim that we're going to discard it in favour of a far more plausible tale from his 1980 film The Young Master.

In the martial arts film, Chan performs a famous sequence where he beats the snot out of a goon while making creative and acrobatic use of a paper fan. It's a brilliant scene, and one that quite clearly took plenty of time and preparation to put together - not to mention an insane 329 takes.

Chan, who also directed the film, was well known for the perfectionism with which he approached his self-directed Hong Kong movies, often ignoring shooting schedules in order to execute a scene exactly as he envisioned it.

The end result is absolutely remarkable, so we'll say that the obsessive graft was worth it, even if his cast and crew might not necessarily agree.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.