10 Movie Scenes That Were Incredibly Awkward On Set

7. Bruce Willis Argued With The Director Over Kevin Smith's Cameo - Live Free Or Die Hard

Live Free Or Die Hard Kevin Smith Bruce Willis Justin Long

The Scene

In order to put a stop to terrorist Thomas Gabriel's (Timothy Olyphant) plan, John McClane (Bruce Willis) and his hacker sidekick Matt Farrell (Justin Long) must visit the home of expert hacker Frederick "Warlock" Kaludis (Kevin Smith).

An uncomfortable confrontation ensues, culminating in McClane winning Warlock's help after threatening to beat him to death in his own house.

The Awkwardness

The scene itself actually plays just fine in the movie - weird though it is to see Smith in a Die Hard movie - but in his 2011 book "My Boring-Ass Life", Smith goes into detail about Willis' frustratingly difficult on-set demeanour.

The Clerks filmmaker claimed that Willis introduced himself to Smith by joking about Lindsay Lohan's crotch, and when shooting finally started, he objected at length over Warlock staying sat down in his chair when McClane entered the room (reasoning that he should get up to talk to a cop).

Like a dog with a bone, Willis couldn't let it go, and over the course of a 14-hour day, not a single piece of film ended up being shot due to his whining.

A compromise was eventually reached where Warlock would start the scene sitting and eventually get up before sitting down again, apparently appeasing Willis after he held up filming for an entire day.

The nightmare wasn't over for Smith, though, who nevertheless hired Willis to star in his 2010 action-comedy Cop Out, after which Smith called the experience of directing the action star "soul crushing."

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.