10 Movie Scenes That Would Never Have Been Shot Today

1. Teen Wolf's Rampant Homophobia

Ace Ventura
Atlantic Releasing Corporation

There are few better metaphors for puberty in horror than that of the werewolf, a creature that learns of its identity and must come to terms with it - accepting or ultimately rejecting their nature. Ginger Snaps took a delightfully melancholic take on a young goth girl growing into womanhood - and ultimately the curse. Even John Sayle's script for The Howling toys with the concept at a more mid-aged crisis identity, taking subtle jibes at new-age psychology.

At it's heart, Teen Wolf is a goofy Michael J. Fox vehicle in which he surfs on the hood of a van and plays basketball better due to his lineage, but it holds true to various werewolf mythos. As Scott Howard, young Fox is a shabby b-baller with an awkward crush on his rival's girlfriend - but the young Nebraskan starts to notice some...changes; mainly in the palm, fingers and glowing red eye areas. After learning of his inherited condition, he embraces the beast inside, dunking basket after basket

Rather than flee in horror, the town embraces their new mascot (?) and wolf fever overtakes the city, but not before Scott awkwardly tries to confess his secret to his best friend, Stiles.

And we're treated to this, a line that could only legitimately come from the 80s followed by "Man, you got any blow?" or "That Don Fagen is amazing!":

"Look, are you gonna tell me you're a fag because if you're gonna tell me you're a fag, I don't think I can handle it."

Thanks, 1980s.


Kenny Hedges is carbon-based. So I suppose a simple top 5 in no order will do: Halloween, Crimes and Misdemeanors, L.A. Confidential, Billy Liar, Blow Out He has his own website - thefilmreal.com - and is always looking for new writers with differing views to broaden the discussion.