10 Movie Scenes That Would Never Have Been Shot Today

7. All Of Revenge Of The Nerds

Ace Ventura
20th Century Fox

A college is a place of learning. Unless you're on the University of Arizona campus in the 80s, where it's a place for ragers, keggers, dirty jokes and rape. Unabashed, unapologetic, seemingly condoned rape.

Lewis Skolnick (Robert Carradine) and Gilbert Lowe (Anthony Edwards) are best friends and the titular nerds who seek degrees in computer science, only to be held back by the jock-ish Alpha Betas. They do everything in their power to stymie their success on campus, relegating them to a dilapidated house and bar them from the Greek Fraternity Council.

But Skolnick gets his revenge on the quarterback Stan Gable (Ted McGinley) during the Greek Games when he steals his costume and approaches Gable's girl Betty. It's clear that Skolnick has true feelings for her, but the dirty, creepy, underhanded way he gets in her pants is every single level of wrong one can imagine. And, because this is a "bro" movie of the 80s, Betty has no agency. When she learns it was Skolnick and not her boyfriend, she shrugs it off, claiming it was "wonderful".

A comprehensive oral history of the shoot suggests that women, and young children, were treated with the same care they are onscreen.


Kenny Hedges is carbon-based. So I suppose a simple top 5 in no order will do: Halloween, Crimes and Misdemeanors, L.A. Confidential, Billy Liar, Blow Out He has his own website - thefilmreal.com - and is always looking for new writers with differing views to broaden the discussion.