10 Movie Scenes With Unexpected Influences

1. Deirdre Beaubeirdre Is Modelled After A Real Person - Everything Everywhere All At Once

Glass Onion Bean

Jamie Lee Curtis just won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her performance as crotchety IRS inspector Deirdre Beaubeirdre in Everything Everywhere All at Once, and Deirdre's enough of a cartoon character that you probably assumed she was concocted entirely out of thin air by filmmakers Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert.

But as it turns out, the Daniels took inspiration for Deidre's "eccentric" choice of wardrobe from a very real human being - a 2005 stock image of an actual IRS worker by the name of Kathleen Malone.

Hilariously Deirdre's entire look is lifted almost wholesale from the picture - the yellow turtleneck and knit vest, necklace, glasses, and even the hairstyle are close to identical.

It's certainly a distinctive look, enough that nobody watching the movie could've ever guessed that it'd actually be inspired by the wares of a real-life IRS employee.

At least the Cincinnati branch of the IRS evidently lets their employees wear some colour in an otherwise drab office environment, right?

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