10 Movie Scenes You Didn’t Realise Actors HATED Shooting

1. Jake Gyllenhaal's Love Scenes With Jennifer Aniston Were "Torture" - The Good Girl

Jennifer Lawrence Chris Pratt Passengers
Fox Searchlight Pictures

Joining just about every other soul on the planet who got caught up in the global phenomenon that was Friends, eventual acting sensation Jake Gyllenhaal found himself very much harbouring a crush on Rachel Green herself Jennifer Aniston when he was growing up.

While innocent enough in isolation, said reality would actually make things a touch difficult for the Donnie Darko star when he suddenly wound up acting opposite his genuine childhood crush during the making of 2002's The Good Girl.

Making matters worse for Jakey, the two were involved in a number of sex scenes over the course of the flick, leaving him feeling a bit conflicted about the whole experience upon looking back on his time working with Aniston.

As Gyllenhaal would confess on The Howard Stern Show:

"It was torture - yes it was. But it was also not torture. I mean, come on, it was like a mix of both."

Again highlighting the awkward nature of love scenes in general, noting how sometimes "there are maybe 30, 50 people watching it", Gyllenhaal would also reference a "pillow technique" being introduced by his iconic co-star as a way of saving the young talent from any embarrassing pieces of accidental improvisation.

How thoughtful.

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