10 Movie Scenes You Didn't Realise Were Tricking You

7. The Matrix - Real-Life Twins Subconsciously Melt Your Mind

Underwater Movie
Warner Bros.

For a film boasting some of the most elaborate visual set-pieces and all-round next level CGI usage from start to finish, The Wachowskis still found time to utilise some good ol’ fashion movie magic when it came to a particular moment that many didn’t even realise was cheekily messing with their heads.

Jumping into the well-known moment where Morpheus educates Neo on precisely what The Matrix actually is, if you take a moment not to be mesmerised by the infamous Woman in Red Dress in the training simulation Mouse had designed, you’ll spot that a number of extras filling out the world look suspiciously similar.

This red-dressed agent-in-disguise being used as a distraction is an example of how humans can easily find themselves losing focus of the real things they should be centred on. Taking that concept to extremely detailed new heights, another examination of the scene reveals multiple duplicates wandering around in the background. Identical twins were actually hired by the directors for this scene and then given the same clothing and haircuts to pull off this legit illusion.

The reasons behind this move were said to be Mouse apparently getting a touch lazy when filling out the programme, relying on a bit of cheeky copy and pasting to save time. All in all, it’s a brilliantly subtle trick that subconsciously makes things within this virtual world feel that bit more synthetic.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...