10 Movie Scenes You Remember Totally Wrong

1. Sy DOESN'T Take Sexual Photos Of Will & Maya - One Hour Photo

Morpheus The Matrix
Searchlight Pictures

Mark Romanek's terrific psychological thriller One Hour Photo revolves around a lonely photo technician, Sy Parrish (Robin Williams), who becomes obsessed with a family, the Yorkins, he's spent years developing photos for.

But Sy's idyllic window into their life is shattered when he discovers that the husband, Will (Michael Vartan), is having an affair, and so follows Will and his mistress Maya (Erin Daniels) to their hotel hookup and breaks into their room with a knife.

Some viewers appear to remember the scene playing out differently than it actually does, believing that Sy takes perverted pictures of the couple posed in suggestive positions, seemingly in an attempt to blackmail Will into stopping his cheating ways.

Yet this isn't quite the case.

Yes, Sy breaks into the room, but he only makes Will think he's taking pictures of them.

Many seem to forget that the movie's ending reveals that Sy actually took photos of mundane objects in the hotel room, effectively blackmailing Will by making him think he's got irrefutable proof of his infidelity.

It probably doesn't help that the movie's marketing focused almost exclusively on creepy images of Robin Williams playing against-type - especially the nightmarish glimpse of his blood-red eyes - enough to persuade your memory that he did indeed go the whole perverted hog.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.