10 Movie Scenes You Remember Totally Wrong

2. Tom Cruise DOESN'T Wear Sunglasses While Dancing - Risky Business

Morpheus The Matrix
Warner Bros.

People will swear on their own mother's life that, during the iconic dance scene from Risky Business where Joel (Tom Cruise) dances around his living room in his pants to Bob Seeger's "Old Time Rock and Roll," he's wearing sunglasses.

But go back and check the scene - it's just not true. Tom Cruise's face is entirely unobscured for the entirety of the sequence we've surely all seen many times over the years.

There are at least a few plausible reasons for people misremembering, though.

First and foremost, Joel does wear Ray-Ban sunglasses throughout much of the film and is also memorably shown wearing them on the film's poster.

And secondly, this scene has been widely parodied across various media for the last 40 (!) years, and almost every single parody will feature the central character in question wearing sunglasses.

Basically, these elements have conspired to dupe people into thinking Joel wore sunglasses during the dance through enforced cultural osmosis.

Additionally, but somewhat less devastatingly, you might also remember Cruise as wearing a white shirt during the scene - as is the case in basically every parody of the scene - but in fact it's a pink shirt. Huh.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.