10 Movie Scenes You Remember Totally Wrong

9. Taika Waititi Plays Thomas Kalmaku (NOT Richard Ayoade) - Green Lantern

Morpheus The Matrix
Warner Bros.

None of us can be held to account too much for our false memories of Green Lantern, considering it's probably a movie most people have only watched once - or maybe twice at a stretch.

Nevertheless, hands up if you thought that Richard Ayoade played a supporting comic relief role in the film as Hal Jordan's (Ryan Reynolds) pal Thomas Kalmaku.

Quite the show of hands.

But for the few who've ever bothered to check, Thomas is actually played by another on-the-rise comedian of this period - the great Taika Waititi.

Now in the defense of anyone who maintains that it was indeed Ayoade in the movie, Waititi is sporting a curly head of hair while wearing a pair of specs, ensuring he looks decidedly more like The IT Crowd funnyman than himself.

The fact that he's even wearing a check shirt, similar to those worn by Ayoade's IT Crowd character Moss, makes the mistake even easier to appreciate.

Hilariously, Waititi probably wouldn't mind too much if you forgot he was in the movie, given that he semi-jokingly denied he was even in it while on the press tour for Free Guy with Reynolds.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.