10 Movie Scenes You Remember Totally Wrong

8. Morpheus Never Says "What If I Told You..." - The Matrix

Morpheus The Matrix
Warner Bros.

What if I told you that Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) never actually says "What if I told you..." in The Matrix?

Mind. Blown.

For many millions of people, the first image they conjure when they think of The Matrix is that iconic shot of Morpheus staring at Neo (Keanu Reeves), who is reflected in his badass sunglasses.

We all know it's from the sequence where Morpheus onboards Neo with an expository breakdown of what The Matrix is, yet the widely disseminated one-liner actually isn't spoken in any of the Matrix movies.

Rather, this is a meme template which was created in 2012 and quickly went viral, typically being used to sarcastically illustrate a supposedly mind-blowing truth to anyone who reads it.

The meme has remained popular for more than a decade - enough that it's effectively changed people's mental perception of the corresponding scene from the movie.

It certainly sounds perfectly in-step with Morpheus' portentous mode of speech throughout the Matrix films, but no, he never says it to anyone - not even once.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.