10 Movie Scenes You Remember Totally Wrong

7. Dolly DOESN'T Have Braces - Moonraker

Morpheus The Matrix
United Artists

Bond film Moonraker rather amusingly introduced a love interest for villain Jaws (Richard Kiel) - a petite, glasses-wearing, pigtail-haired woman credited simply as Dolly (Blanche Ravalec).

Ask the average Bond fan what Dolly looks like, and in addition to mentioning the above characteristics, there's a fair chance they'll mention that she has braces on her teeth.

And let's be honest, you probably thought it too, didn't you?

But no, Dolly doesn't have braces at all - her pearly whites are plainly visible without any metal dental-work getting in the way.

As for why there's a collective delusion about this? For one, Jaws himself has metal grills, and it's not a huge leap to believe that the woman of his dreams might also have a contraption in her mouth.

And secondly, don't braces just seem like they suit this cute, mousy woman so perfectly? And so, people's brains just made a logical connection even if it isn't in fact featured in the film itself.

Hilariously, a VFX artist went to the bother of digitally superimposing braces on Dolly's teeth - quite brilliantly, even - just to give a full impression of what people are imagining.

Oddly, the YouTube comments are largely filled with people insisting Dolly absolutely had braces in earlier versions of the film. Hmmm.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.