10 Movie Secrets Everyone Knows Except You

3. The Moon Is Unnaturally Illuminated - The Truman Show

Lord Farquaad

The Truman Show is a phenomenal film in every respect, and one that's filled to the brim with clever stylistic hints at the true nature of Truman Burbank's (Jim Carrey) life - that he's living it out as part of a 24/7 reality TV show inside of the world's biggest film set.

The set comes complete with a complex weather effects system, using powerful lights to simulate the sun and, in one scene, a lightning storm.

Yet the show unintentionally plays its hand in this moment, as the flash of lightning ends up illuminating the Moon, which in reality is physically impossible considering the Moon's actual distance from Earth. Basically, this is a dead giveaway that the Moon is much closer than it seems.

In the confines of a set - even one as huge as this - there's very little that the production team can do to diffuse such a massive amount of light, but considering that Truman himself has no exterior frame of reference for what the light should look like, he obviously accepts it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.