10 Movie Secrets Everyone Knows Except You

4. All The Hidden Elves - The Santa Clause

Lord Farquaad

The Santa Clause is of course a cinematic staple of the holiday season, yet despite how many times you've probably seen it over the last 30-ish years, did you catch a devilishly devious secret subplot hidden throughout the movie?

After Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) maybe-kills Santa Claus, inadvertently accepts his duties, and is sent back home to get his affairs in order, director John Pasquin decides to sneak "secret elves" through the rest of the story.

While Scott and his son Charlie (Eric Lloyd) go about their business, elves can often be glimpsed in the background of scenes, distinguished by their pointy ears and evidently keeping tabs on Scott for the sake of the North Pole.

This includes an elf sat behind Charlie at school, another passing Scott and Charlie on the street and giving Scott a prolonged look, and another lining up with other kids at the park to ask Scott for their Christmas presents.

There are also numerous others, and at film's end all of the spy-elves are briefly seen as a group when Scott flies off to continue delivering the Christmas presents.

Just when you thought you knew everything there was to know about a sure-fire holiday classic, here comes another reason to rewatch it yet again this coming holiday season - as if anyone needs the excuse.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.