10 Movie Secrets They'll Never Tell You

5. Why Doesn't Khan Remove His Right-Hand Glove? - Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan

Total Recall
Paramount PIctures

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is pretty much the perfect Star Trek movie, though one minor aspect of its creation has nevertheless puzzled fans for over four decades.

Why the hell does legendary villain Khan (Ricardo Montalbán) keep his right-hand glove on for the entire movie?

Khan removes his left-hand glove while making his iconic entrance, but never does the same with the right one, leaving it on right up until his death at film's end.

On the movie's Blu-ray commentary, director Nicholas Meyer talked a little bit about his methodology behind the glove staying on, albeit while dodging the opportunity to fully explain it. He said:

"I'm a big opera fan. So this movie is very operatic, dramatic and theatrical and slowly, slowly, slowly, he reveals himself, but never removes the other glove... I said, 'Don't take off the other glove.' And people have always said, 'Why doesn't he take off the other glove?' And I always turn the question around and say, 'Why do you think he doesn't take off the other glove?'"

Meyer then went on to basically confirm that he won't ever be answering the question, saying, "It's not my job to supply answers... It's your job as the audience to supply answers." Well, damn.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.