10 Movie Secrets They'll Never Tell You

4. What Is Yoda's Origin Story? - Star Wars

Total Recall
20th Century Fox/Disney

Surely the single biggest mystery in the Star Wars franchise relates to the origins of Master Yoda (Frank Oz), particularly the names of his species and homeworld, and also how he came to become one of the most powerful Jedi Masters in the universe.

In a rare case of George Lucas exercising restraint, Yoda's enigmatic nature was a wholly conscious decision on his part, and more than 40 years after Yoda made his debut, the IP has held firm in that regard.

Now, given that Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney back in 2012 and no longer holds any real creative authority over the franchise, the new sans-Lucas regime could absolutely turn on a dime and decide they want to drop the veil on where Yoda came from.

And yet, with purists like Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau currently in senior creative positions within the franchise, it feels like this is the one big secret that Star Wars will actually retain forever more.

While a Yoda Disney+ series which reveals every last morsel of his past would certainly pull huge numbers, it'd also potentially be one of the biggest creative missteps the franchise could ever make.

Though the presence of The Mandalorian's Grogu makes it more likely that a little more light will be shed on Yoda's species in the future, it's also highly unlikely they'll ever be given a name or an explicit origin story.

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Total Recall
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.